my mouth and i

"i thought i saw you yesterday at the canteen, then i realised its not you. then now i realised it IS you" rin said
"haha" i replied

man, what a weak reply. haha?
i'm missing my jacket already. but its for the better i guess. i'll wear it when i feel like reminiscing.
but what i should have said or meant to say was...
"aww, thats nice. you should have just approached me and say hi!"

"im gonna miss you..." an old friend said
"erm, ok." i replied
"thats it??" she asked
"erm, ok" i repeated

though i didnt like that person, i should have tried fronting and reply in a nicer tone.
i should have said... "oh wow. im gonna miss you too."
but hell, 'erm ok' sounds cool and offensive anyway. so why not?

"wanna pretend that we're together?" another random old friend said
"Farque YOU!" i responded

look, i aint good at replying. and i dont want to be in random stupid relationships. its a total braindrain and it will make me more suicidal. especially not with her. but, as a nice human being, i should have replied something more pleasant. that question probably took a whole lot of courage to bring up.
a good reply would just be..."thanks but no thanks"

wait, that sounds mean as well, but maybe not as mean as a vulgar insult.

"remember the time when we were younger and blah blah blah blah happened?" that person said
"no." i replied

well, that person didnt say blah blah...i just had to conceal whatever that happened. kinky. i knew pretty well what blah blah blah was but i chose not to acknowledge the fact that i was a part of it.
cos if i did, then i would have to reply...
"oh ya! i remember that. blah blah blah was awesome but we were foolish and young"

"so what we gonna do now?" i asked
"sssex" i got a seductive reply
"you sure?" i asked
"yesss" she replied
"erm, nevermind" i replied

hoho, what a total turn off i am. well what can i say? "hey im gay?"
or should i have said..."yummy. but i find sex pointless"
it is pointless. so stop arguing with me about it. you know who you are.

oh well. my mouth and i go way back. i really need to watch how i respond to people.
and hey, sorry if my words offended any of you sore losers out there. and sorry in advance.


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