happy birthday (hair-pee burf-they)

"happy 20th adam" i said
"happy 4th deep muziq" adam replied

im old now.
dubbeep muubuzuubufuubiq (dah-bip mah-boo-zaa-boo-fah-bick) vs
defeep mufuzifiq (dee-fip moo-foo-zee-fick)
apparently while the F-language was something back then in singapore
i was watchin the ubbi-dubbi making waves in the US. i thank you cable.

try ubbi-dubbi. it always amused my friends more. cos it sounds tribal and is harder to catch by ear.

hubbapubby bubbirthdubbay aubbadubbam! (hub-ber-pub-bee bab-burf-dah-bay arr-burr-dah-bum!)


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