the old rp
the old rp. the old me.
life was carefree then. you enter a new school with a clean rep.
how you change that reputation is up to you.
life was carefree then. you enter a new school with a clean rep.
how you change that reputation is up to you.
how you tarnish it is up to you.
good luck with first impressions
they are the most vital thing in life that many take for granted.
as a media student, you cant afford to give a bad first impression.
you'd be courting death.
let's face it.
in the real world, if they don't like your work, they won't give you the feedbacks needed.
they'll pat you in the back and walk away.
in school, its a whole new ball game. feedbacks and ways to improve would be told to you.
in school, its a whole new ball game. feedbacks and ways to improve would be told to you.
thats what we need.
i think no one feedbacked to Jack Neo about his films.