if you aint got no money, if you aint got no money

as much as i do enjoy reading other bloggers' lengthy blogposts (i really do)
i realised i usually keep mine comprehensive and short. (lies!)
i also love to add multiple paragraphs.
usually it's 4 stanzas. and then i'll start another para.

like now. (sure)
but seriously, i feel rather keen to learn another language.
not to master it, but to know it.
i mean, i can more or less decipher what people say in Chinese, (and i'm proud of it)
thanks to SBC 5 and TCS 8, Mediacorp Ch8 dramas since 1992.

i was at China Square Central. there was this loose Transformers figure for sale.
and i asked the store owner's friend, "how much is this loose figure?"
"25 dollars"
"erm, no thanks then" i replied politely. i mean, a played before loose figure at that price?

and then he said to his friend in Chinese, "he thinks this kind of things is cheap. if its 5 dollars then he'd buy"

i stared at him,
he felt unsecured,
i sensed he felt embarassed over his comment,
he sensed i felt victory.



the language of love. i wanna be like Shawnrick, he can watch Sentai 'RAW' without subtitles.
i need that. watching the Sentai raw would be essential to be updated. especially when i can't find the fansubbed version anywhere else. gahhh.
yes. Japanese it shall be. as if.


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