marriage won't change nothing but your name

"remember hairi?" mom asked me
"who's that?"

"cik tipah's son. the one you bite his hand" she replied.
"why? he got into jail?" i replied.

i remembered biting his thumb hard. and then he cried. and later on, my mom placed me inside the same cot as his. i wanted OUT.
and how old was i then? 2 years old.
that's how far back i can remember.


well anyway.
"what happened?" i asked
"dah khawin (got married)" mom answered

"what? when? how old is he?" i was taken aback
"today. same age as you"

like what on earth. the day after my birthday, someone i knew as a toddler got married already? my age.

"kalau dah jodoh. [if theres affinity between them]" mom trailed her sentence
"no such thing! is he stupid? dumb? shotgun?"

immediately, i ran to Science, whom was still on. i started typing this.
ouh, how i cant live without talking to Science. (:
bah, and just 24 hours ago, i was on the topic of marriage with d-fault and shawnrick and hasif


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