from trash to mess



as messy as things are in the past or the present.
the future will always handle itself well, things will fall into place.
like the toys in my room.

"those are two different extreme" the guy whom i dont know his name said.
he was asking me what would be my next step after ORD.

"either pursue a degree in media and carry on, or become a bus driver" was my answer to him.


"thinking of signing on as a police....bla bla, pay from $2K to $2.5K"
and then in my head..
"bus driver, hmm $2.3K - $2.5K. Trailer driver $4K. Excursion bus driver to malaysia, $5-$7K"
i really dont know. stop asking me irrelevant nonsensical question.

let the future Adam handle it.


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