i'ma help you demonstrate

SBS 8030L - Volvo B7LR

not many must have seen it before. theres only one demo here and is currently serving 174 and 174e. notice the unique front.
bus fans nicknamed it the Transformers Bus. how original. tsk

but notice the conference style back seats. the grandmaster pimp can sit in the middle with all his ladies on the rest of the seats.


you'd think you might have seen this one. but no. this is the demo. the new ones on the road are the copies.
8033 is the prototype. and prototypes always have better interiors and they look different while the 150 copies all look mass produced with no TLC. tender loving care of course.
and yes, SBS 8033 D is currently serving 174 and 174e as well

SBS 8138K
here. this is one of them Scania carbon copies. they look different. but you'd have to stare for a while to notice the diff.
the copies first made their appearance on 100 and 174, followed by 60, 62, 63, 64, 123, 151, 165, 235, 238, 265, 268

SBS 0000 M - MAN 18.240 HOCL-NL

click to enlarge. the rego really read SBS 0000 M
wow. its been a while since SBS demoed a MAN bus.
so yeah. waiting for it to demo once in a while.
we're suspecting its rego to be SBS 8131 or SBS 8132.


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