because you're $16.90

i am the proud owner of Usher's "Here I Stand".
released on 27th May.
released singles are

Love In This Club
Love In This Club Part II
Moving Mountains

and Moving Mountains reminds me of Justin Timberlake's Cry Me A River.
similar elements involved.

and im no muziq reviewer so i shall not comment further.

and erm, it was after work while on a hunt for a Creative MP4 player and a headphone that i found myself in Plaza Sing's Sembawang CD shop. and there it was at the bottom shelf.
i didnt even know it was released already.

and because it's $16.90
and because i needed new muziq on heavy rotation in my player
and because i don't enjoy downloaded muziq
and because there's 18 tracks

it's like moving mountains


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