"since you're an angel, your job's never done"

i woke up at 0458hours (after reading Breaking Dawn in the dark)
i officially woke up at 0502hours (cos i don't wanna hear CPL Ian nag)
brushed my teeth at 0509hours after donning on vest and slack (no.4 pants, boots and tee)
we had breakfast of random fried (rubberband-lookalike) noodles

i did height and lashing,
3-tonner parking (left and right reverse),
i had 2 shares of lunch(i just ate the wings and the egg actually),
i reached home at around 1345hours.
i surfed the net, visited the NS website to see the procedures to signing on
and extending my ORD date (if possible)
i added random new games to my PSP
(infected, harvest moon boy & girl and midnight club LA remix)

i had wanted to go out and chillout with the malay driver trainees
but i slept in and opened my eyes again at around 1715hours.
i had sausages and a hard (3/4) boiled egg

and i had a cup of (diabetes) milo.
and i need to stop smoking.
26th march would mark the 1st year anniversary
(nothing to be proud of).

"eh, relax ah, you just had a stick" fit would say
"mmm, i cant feel the kick. im getting immune" i would reply

tsk tsk tsk.
i know i know, it wouldnt have happened this way if only there was some(....)



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