cafe 21 overdose


when its 4am, your taste buds are the most vulnerable.
they'd believe anything you want it to.

like the other morning while i was offshore.
i had bread with kaya. and i dipped it into hot chicken soup.
i told myself it was whipped potato.

and indeed, it tasted like it.
so much so that i had to go for seconds. and even thirds to fill me up.


boy oh boy, day by day.
i learn that i can really be good at everything.
i thought i was dope at media.
but now i'm dope in military? i've gotta be kidding.

like many, i've never hold a rifle before.
but when we had our test, out of 64 points, i scored 61. the 3rd highest.

and to have a sergeant and a leftenant calling me out for that and getting praises was dope enough for me to get a good night sleep.

i wonder what else i am good at...

i was on the ferry just now at like 1810.
Baba, (i call him Bubs, real name Bjorn), was promoting me to another platoon mate. it was kinda hilarious how he put it into words.

"you should see adam. he just ding ding ding ding ding, catwalked up and down the Jacob's ladder"

and theres a saying, 'you aint a man till you cross the jacob's ladder'
cos thats where you see other boys cry at the top of the pyramid-like ladders.
cos thats where your balls get into your throat.

but strangely, i sailed through it the first time. oh yes, maybe i have no balls.


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