boobies for my scoobie

great, its that day again.

first thing first, i'd have to go to the mosque and pray tomorrow.
not my fave...

and honestly, i cant predict much, but i know im goin to 2 houses (as per norm)
and get at least 100plus and i'd splurge it on a megazord and some camouflage cream.

and maybe gain another 600g and prolly lose 3-6kg during field camp the next week.
ouh, life is so much fun.

and oh wow, some other platoon mate is reading my blog currently.
so shut up and better not broadcast it to the whole of the platoon bugger. sheesh.
and and. did i bore you once again?

here's a middle finger to this celebration day.


and just because your family's the kind who have fun celebratin this day, then fuck off. that's what my dad would say too. dont expect me to be like you and have loads of happy moments where you beg for forgiveness from your parents. in my books, your family are pathetic dogs. period, you stupid boy.
if you know its for you, suck it up.

'life sucks, so suck it up
life sucks, so suck thumb"


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