cos shawty's on the east side

"you're very cynical"
"you always make sure they dont have a comeback"
"any opportunity you can shoot, you shoot"

my words can hurt. at least while im offshore that is.
i have offended countless many. some with partial tears in their eyes. and im not the least bit guilty. slowly but surely, im making people hate me now. but some love it when i get all mean and vulgar. simply because they themselves been wanting to retaliate but have not guts to do so.
they leave the job to me. and im not enjoying this evil sarcastic side of me.

remember the movie Army Daze?
i swear, we have the real replica to it. even Sheikh think likewise.

"our bunk is like army daze sia. hamzah is that big guy, nizam is that indian guy with the girlfriend, dominic is that nerd guy and and, the gay guy can be alif or adam" sheikh said

"huh?" i added


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