personal avenue 500m ahead

reduce speed now. i lost myself.
gosh. where was i. driving is surreal. its always been a dream. maybe a dream for every lil boy growing up. to drive a big vehicle. indeed, it sure made me beam knowing that i'm doing so.
hold on... i got a call..

Wan Shortstuff called..."Hello belated birthday boy. Happy birthday, hold on, Rynel wanna speak to you."
"...haha.. ok.." i replied
and then the convo occured...
and i was like, "hmmm, nopes. no spare tyre... wiper faulty... smashed side mirror... alternator belt loose.. odometer faulty, no spare tyre... and yes, you can use blah blah blah."

and then we ended our convo.
so basically that usually marks the end of my day. giving out my precious for use.
now i don't know how i landed this job but i simply love it. its as if they knew i'd so wanted to be in transport. oh gosh. previous job was in Toys'r'Us. wasn't that lovely. landing on dream jobs.
now, back then in Republic, garf recommended me these Cicak trap device. rather simple actually. sold at different supermarkets in singapore. these simple yet complex device only costs about less than $4. this set i have comes in a pair.

and now, after years, i managed to get them. and now lookie here. decomposing cicak on the glue mat. excellent. he looks mean. and evil.


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