why dont you just sleep in the cupboard...

we were at the Multi Purpose Hall.
and we had this Section Level Team Building Workshop going on.
me and my other 9 bunkmates were sitting in a circle facing each other. we were instructed to tell each other what we LIKE and DISLIKE about Basic Military Training life.

they share the same views of liking the life here and hating the mean sergeants and hate Saturday bookouts.

im the last bed, so i get to voice out last. and when it came to my turn..

"i LIKE my cupboard" i said

"the SAF cupboard?" hamzah asked
"yes. and i DISLIKE my section mates" i replied

there was an awkward silence.

"what? we have to be honest here. and thats the truth" i added
"huh? but we like you. i like you sia. and you hate us?" YH said
"that means you dont like me?" Goggle asked jokingly

"up to you" i replied


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