wasnt she the one?

hasif shawnrick and me saw the female singer we once met at the vocalists chalet.
but this time, she was live in action up on stage at the Esplanade.
it was dope nonetheless.

but. theres always a but.
the whole set list was sung in the same key. so much so, it made every single song quite similar to one another. a mirror image i must say.

but nonetheless. she was attractive up on stage. she can sing but she cant host.
but the point is. actually a shared point between me and shawn.

"sheesh, i see her sing and i feel nostalgia" i said
"this was where i first sang live with varian. makes me wanna sing again" i added

"same" shawn said and we hi-5'ed. cuteness.

take note that i've only recovered my talking voice. so my SAF Music Drama Company dream is still in the distance. i hope.
but then again, i fear gaining weight when that happens.


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