sniffles and ruffles

really, i have tried a whole lotta different cough relieve syrup.
but they only soothe and not cure.

Strepsils Cough Syrup
Nin Jiom Pei Pa Kao
Pei Pa Lo
Woods Peppermint Cough Syrup
and many other randoms.

but the best for me is Strepsils Cough.
Nin Jiom is the sweetest.

Strepsils Cough tastes the worst.


and i have a cute container in my drawer where i place all my medicine and first aid. how cute.

"you still use the key to lock (the personal drawer) ah?" derrick asked
"ya. why?"
"we all dont lock sia" leon replied
"i value my privacy." i replied

and because i dont trust them


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