testing testing testis....
well, this is just the beginning of the end of the beginning. As if one blog is not enough.....deep muziq shall be deeper now...
evolution = change/time
change = time X evolution
Time changes people...and idiots as well...its amazing how much one can evolve. Look at my friend Rafie....he is becoming much more boring.
Look at me, i am more artissick....its not in the dictionary by the way. Don't bother searching. I am more open to the idea of art.
Art can be anything
Thats what they say....to me, art is anything that turns you on.
Art is an expression of oneself....
Love is an expression of one's feeling....
Sex is an expression of one's love.....
Porn is an expression of one's creativity....
visit my friend, Ghaz's blog...here...
there's no porn there though.....
its an avenue to showcase and express your sexual fantasy...be it ur straight or not
I am a crapper.... deep muziq is the voice deep within me....
talkin to myself brings joy to me...
so, welcome.......
"gravy is like a river without a meaning..."