eyes collide

how does it feel...

i came across my old BMT (Basic Military Training) journal.
one that we'd keep in our bags f0r 25h and 7days.
i remember having like 3 of that same book.
cos each and everytime it rains in tekong, the books will get drenched as well.

here's what i wrote during my 2nd week in BMT last year

It's been almost 2 weeks since
we tried to adjust to the way of living here

The urban myth that we knew of is that the food there stinks. Apparently, that myth no longer stands. Today, waking up at 5am seems to be a norm. 5BX for the first time, was not as "tough". Simply cos' i didn't perspire. Breakfast wasn't filling. Enough said.

The foodfare lecture was nothing but an affirmation
for the bigwigs to know that we are well-fed.

Lunch. Before that, there was a surprise bunk check.
As confused as we were, we were not told the reason why.

Oh well, standby area was kinda disappointing.

how does it feel..
to know that your yet-to-be-bought new toy
is delayed and is still stuck in japan

how does it feel..
to have skin irritation and foot rot on your feet

how does it feel..
to have someone who doesn't wanna let go
and pesters you every ever so often

how does it feel..
to know that the person you'd long for is
happy with another


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