so there i go... donned my army admin tee and shorts, accompanied with my white army socks and the New Era running shoes. in my hand was this green army pouch, originally meant for toiletries, i killed its purpose by putting in my keys, cigarettes, ligther, handphone and some loose change. on my head, was my ONTO audio technica red headphones; married to Black in which was the iPod Classic. i went to the Menu and scouted for some muziq. Ultimately, it was unsurprising to find my fave boyband on top of my list. So, there, i selected the Christmas album. "you better go already, its 7pm" mom said nicely from the kitchen "cant you see im wearing my shoes!?" and off i went without closing the door and gate, trailed by a few profanities. _________ now thats a 110kg muthafarquer now thats the all new and improved farquer ______________ i started my run. "no one else but me and you, nothing i would rather do then hold you all through the night under my tree bring along...